Hotel Slovakia

Hotel Slovakia is located in the heart of the spa town and opens the gate to the pedestrian zone in Trenčianske Teplice. The newly renovated hotel belongs to the network of Kúpele Trenčianske Teplice accommodation facilities, one of the oldest spas in Slovakia.
A hotel combining a modern wellness with traditional spa care and offers a wide range of services under one roof.

The hotel has a newly built wellness and health care centre, WellMed, with a modern pool and a sauna world.
Connection with the spa hotel Krym, for true spa care with traditional procedures and the open-air bath in the outdoor pool Grand, regardless of the weather, is unique.

Wellness hotel Slovakia recepcia

Reception 24 hours

Wellness hotel Slovakia WiFi


Wellness hotel Slovakia spa

Wellness center

Wellness hotel Slovakia kaviareň

Restaurant and caffe

Wellness hotel Slovakia online

Online shop


Choose from a wide range of our stay packages. Whether you are a wellness lover, family with kids, business traveller, fan of healing and recovery stays, employee of a company on reconditioning or teambuilding stays, you will enjoy yourself.


Tento hotel spĺňa všetko, čo sme dlho hladali. Má veľkolepé vnútorné priestory, zvonka je pekný, pod jednou strechou máte kaviareň, wellness s bazénom, herňu, slnečnú terasu s lehátkami, a ďalšie služby… vnútorný prechod do ďalšieho veľkého hotela, kde sú procedúry.

Izby pekné, nové čisté, s krásnymi balkónmi, terasami. Oceňujem, že v TV ide youtube! To je super.

Za cenu pobytu sme toho dostali 4x viac ako v hociktorom inom hoteli predtým… preto pomer cena – čo dostanete je absolútne top!

Lu R., Slovensko — Google

Hotel je veľmi pekný. Mali sme apartmán, ktorý je veľmi vkusne a príjemne zariadený. Z balkónu ozaj krásny výhľad na pešiu zónu. Mali sme dve toalety na izbe čo bolo fajn.

Vonkajší bazén je krásne tvarovaný, veľký aj s vírivkou a protiprúdom. Wellness je plný rozličných sáun (fínska, švédska, turecká, bylinková, soľná …). Na recepcii príjemná pani, ktorá všetko vysvetlila.

Parkovanie má hotel vlastné, ale obmedzené kapacitne. Platí sa 2€/deň miestny poplatok za pobyt za každú osobu, niektorí si to mýlia s platbou za parkovanie.. Veľká výhoda je tiež poloha hotela, ktorý sa nachádza priamo v centre pri pešej zóne.

Boli sme veľmi spokojní, prídeme určite aj nabudúce.

Dušan Ch., Slovensko — Google

Maximálna spokojnosť. Všetci zamestnanci s ktorými som prišla do styku od recepcie po chyžné ochotní, slušní. Hotel pekne zrekonštruovaný, čistota a ochota je tu samozrejmosť. A výborná kuchyňa, vždy si bolo čo vybrať, ochotní kuchari vždy poradili, chutná a pestrá strava s množstvom zeleniny. Výborné procedúry.

Všetkým zamestnancom chcem poďakovať za krásne 3 týždne, určite sa ešte vrátim…

Mária B., Slovensko — Google

wellness and health care centre

WellMed Hotel Slovakia

Let yourself be pampered in the newly-built wellness and health care centre, WellMed, in the renovated Slovakia hotel, with a modern pool and sauna world.

Its relaxation pool, steam and dry saunas, themed relaxation rooms, tepidarium, experience showers, Jacuzzis and its offer of massages will please all wellness lovers.

Wellness Hotel Slovakia

wellness and health care centre

WellMed Hotel Slovakia

Let yourself be pampered in the newly-built wellness and health care centre, WellMed, in the renovated Slovakia hotel, with a modern pool and sauna world.

Its relaxation pool, steam and dry saunas, themed relaxation rooms, tepidarium, experience showers, Jacuzzis and its offer of massages will please all wellness lovers.

Thermal Spa Trenčianske Teplice

Traditional spa treatments

Treat yourself to more than just wellness. Imagine a perfect combination of modern wellness relaxation and healing thermal water! Do you think that a spa is only for the elderly or people with health issues? Unique and rare 23 thousand-year-old healing mineral water, the age of which is a guarantee of ecological purity, acting as prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system at any age.

The Slovakia hotel is part of the Trenčianske Teplice Spa, so it complements its offer with free-sale spa procedures or treatment procedures available only after an examination by a spa doctor.

Termálny kúpeľ Sina

Thermal Spa Trenčianske Teplice

Traditional spa treatments

Treat yourself to more than just wellness. Imagine a perfect combination of modern wellness relaxation and healing thermal water! Do you think that a spa is only for the elderly or people with health issues? Unique and rare 23 thousand-year-old healing mineral water, the age of which is a guarantee of ecological purity, acting as prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system at any age.

The Slovakia hotel is part of the Trenčianske Teplice Spa, so it complements its offer with free-sale spa procedures or treatment procedures available only after an examination by a spa doctor.

an architectural pearl


The spa, which attracts diverse foreign clientele thanks to its high-quality services and good reputationat, is unique not only from the perspective of Slovakia, but the whole of Europe. It is the Turkish hamman spa, built in the 19th century, which is part of the spa complex.

In the 19th century, the Hammam was considered an attraction and the most expensive spa in Trenčianske Teplice.

Currently, it is used for massages and as a relaxation room after taking a bath in the thermal spa Sina.

Hammam Trenčianske Teplice

an architectural pearl


The spa, which attracts diverse foreign clientele thanks to its high-quality services and good reputationat, is unique not only from the perspective of Slovakia, but the whole of Europe. It is the Turkish hamman spa, built in the 19th century, which is part of the spa complex.

In the 19th century, the Hammam was considered an attraction and the most expensive spa in Trenčianske Teplice.

Currently, it is used for massages and as a relaxation room after taking a bath in the thermal spa Sina.